Planning and Approvals

The proposed project is being assessed as a State Significant Development (SSD), under Part 4 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (the EP&A Act) by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI). The DPHI Assessment will be referred to the Independent Planning Commission (IPC) which will be the consent authority for the project.

Project Status

The Sundown Solar Farm design is being refined, in response to submissions received from government agencies, other key stakeholders and community members in July/ August 2023, on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) prepared for the project.

To view the EIS and the submissions received, please visit the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure’s (DPHI) Major Project website:

A Response to Submissions Report is being prepared, which will be submitted to DPHI for assessment. The report will be published on DPHI’s Major Projects website.

The DPHI assessment will then be referred to the Independent Planning Commission (IPC), which will be the consent authority for the project.

sundown solar farm vertical timeline